Evening calm of the Seto inland sea

2019年 06月07日

The weather of Seto inland sea is very particular. The clouds coming by the monsoon in summer are blocked by the Chugoku mountains, and the clouds coming by the winter seasonal winds are blocked by Shikoku mountains. The Seto inland sea is the zone of emptiness of the clouds. It is very rare in Japan, but the air is dried, the daylight hours are long, and it is very hot. Especially in summer, as the winds are completely stopped, so that the people do not wish to go out anymore.

Long time ago, before the invention of the engine, the boats could not move forward in the time of calm of the sea. Moreover, the ride of the tide is changed depending on the time, people had to wait and sea the good timing for the departure. Consequently, the culture of "waiting for the winds, waiting for the tide" has been born. And the port was activated thanks to the visits of the sailors all over the country.

The ride of the tide brings a lot of benefits to the Seto inland sea for both the shipping business and the fishing industry. Because of the rapid stream of the tide, the shrimps become muscular and they become sweet tasted. The fish eat the shrimps so that the fish become sweet and muscular. The excellent quality of the sea foods of Seto inland sea is the result of the gift from the sea benefits, but also because they receive the mineral from the many river pourring into the sea.

The people living close to the Seto inland sea and those who passing the Seto inland sea coexist with the nature. The action of the people are depending on the streams of the tide and the wind. The nature is so powerful!

Let's get back to the subject of the calm of the sea. As the wind stops, there is no evening coolness and as it is hot, this time of the day is not very comfortable to going out, but we feel the nature with it, too.

However, in the still of the night, the view of the sunset is the most beautiful time of the Seto inland sea. There is nothing breaks the silence and the sun sinks to the sea like a mirror, and it is, the real preasure of being in the Seto inland sea.